The NBATA Donates in its' Community Outreach Efforts
The NBATA's NATA Foundation Board has made the following donations ($5000 each) in an effort to address natural disaster relief in the state of Texas as well as support athletic trainers in the state of Arizona.
Alto ISD in Texas was affected by hail storms and tornado conditions during the months of April and May. The following is a summary of the damages:
We are a Title 1 District with limited funds. Insurance will not cover the cost of replacing and rebuilding all that we have lost.
AHS Campus & Contents (including 20 classrooms, all technology, band equipment, HVAC units) AHS Band instruments / uniforms AHS Gym / Floor / Bleachers Basketball scoreboard AISD Cafeteria AES Gym (total loss) AISD Track, pole vault, discus ring Football bleachers Football stadium lights Football scoreboard Football field fencing Softball scoreboard Softball fencing Softball bleachers Baseball fencing Baseball scoreboard Baseball bleachers Baseball press box / concession stand AISD Marquee All fiber optics, phone lines, and technology has to be re-routed because the district “hub” is located in the high school. Click below for a video recap of the events!
The Board has donated $5000 to the Arizona Athletic Trainers Initiative Fund. This is part of the Arizona community fund of which Jerry Colangelo (a voice in both USA Basketball and the NBA) is on the board. The fund is used to pay athletic trainers for coverage of state sporting events that otherwise might not have any coverage.